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认证体系Environmental Certification_Diessner



VALPAINT配備了高質量和環境管理系統,旨在提高效率,為客戶夥伴提供越來越可靠的服務。一方面在公司內部進行系統的運營管理,包括程序,操作說明和表格。另一方面,對外用於向各方證明質量和環境管理體係是否符合適用法律和法規,即ISO 9001:2015和ISO 14001:2015。

The fast-paced growth of our economy, with its guaranteed quality levels that can be verified over time. The high degree of industrialization has generated a significant degree of pollution. Safeguarding the environment and our quality of life has therefore become chief priorities.


For this reason, VALPAINT has equipped itself with the Quality and Environment Management System aimed at improving its efficiency, while providing increasingly reliable service to our fellow customers.


This document is used:
- Internally within the company for the system’s operational management, alongside the procedures, operating instructions, and forms.
- Externally for demonstrating to the interested parties the conformity of the Quality and Environment Management System to the applicable laws and regulations, namely ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

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